Founder President

A passionate and versatile Singer, Social activist, Content Writer, Entrepenuer, Founder and President of NIRVANA.

“I believe every creation of God should be able to live with a firm belief that he has a right to live joyfully and thankfully.”

About Naveenta:

She has been one of those individuals, who wanted to share her food, her dresses and her abilities with children since her own childhood. At the age of 14, she utilized her convent education and her singing talent to teach Children of “SOS Children’ s villages of India”, in Punjab. From sponsoring fundamental  Computer education from Aptech, for a batch of children  to teaching English language in her own capacity, she gave them her time and effort and learnt that:        ‘Giving” gives more happiness than “Getting”.Sponsoring consecutively and randomly for numerous events for Children with special needs, she eventually organized special programs for Differently Abled children via “NIRMAL AANCHAL”, an  NGO for specially-abled. Unbiased, unconditional Love from children and their parents inspired her to give birth to her own Brainchild project “NIRVANA  WORLD”, a concept with a Purpose and visualization of attaining Power and Peace. She determines to bring  joy and happiness to each child equally, through Music. Music being therapy and a major skill to promote the well-being of one and all.

Besides Caring and Sharing,  writing is her forte, thus making her an avid reader and a Content writer.  Being chosen among a couple of coffee table books, via Aesthetics International. She has co-authored women s souvenirs and furthermore a Coffee table book named: SOULFUL WONDERFUL BLISSFUL. She has been a significant editor for one of many of Amazon s  bestseller books!She also is the Editor for RHYTUM N BLUES a magazine to propagate and promote the abilities of Differently abled around the globe.

Crossing the barriers of languages and genres, She has been versatile and passionate in singing since her school days. She has been accredited with laurels and accolades at State levels hence made Singing her way of life. Music being the essence of Nirvana, she has initiated this Musical platform to create a balance in society and work for a noble cause.

Adding feathers to her Crown through her selfless and relentless efforts,She is felicitated by association of British council for her contribution in the field of disability.Besides this Spirit of humanity award ,Inspiring Indians, Humanitarian Award,Woman of Substance to name a few have been conferred on her capability and confident Persona.