Who we are?
Being the Parents of a selected Few,
Battling lives, with our kids and tough times too.
We cry with our children in silent tears,
Laugh aloud to make Happy Me and Happy You!
We are no different.
We are just like you, to be with you!!
Nirvana is conceptualized to foster the confidence and abilities of children through Music. In Collaboration with a team of Special Educators, Doctors, Music Teachers, Singers and other eminent people.

Founder President @Nirvana
A passionate and versatile Singer, Social activist, Content Writer, Entrepenuer, Founder and CEO of NIRVANA.
“I believe every creation of God should be able to live with a firm belief that he has a right to live joyfully and thankfully.”
Vision: Music as a therapy should heal each one irrespective of abilities/disabilities. We aim at inclusion programs crossing barriers of places and people.
Mission: To make music as the source and essence of life in developing minds of each child.

1900 +
192 +
People Joined
200 +
Cases every Year
1200 +
People Enrollled
When you reach out to our us for our cause - let us help you derive the best way possible to help children!
Just get in touch with us today!
We Serve for Children
Kids playing simple instruments in a group setting can have positive exposure to happy social situations.
Therapy for Children
Children experiencing pain or discomfort as a result of an illness or injury may feel calmer and more relaxed when they listen to music.
Even premature babies struggling to survive and grow can benefit from music. Children experiencing pain or discomfort as a result of an illness.
Children Education
Children experiencing pain or discomfort as a result of an illness or injury may feel calmer and more relaxed when they listen to music.

Volunteer with us
Join our Team
Music has the power to stimulate the senses. This stimulation can be exceptionally effective for helping with children's developmental skills. The joy and vitality that typically come with listening to music can spur greater learning success in children.
The joy and vitality that typically come with listening to music can spur greater learning success in children.

Our Sponsors & Collaborators